Working Papers
- Cohen R. Simpson, Andrew R. Schein, and Robert D. Metcalfe. (2024). "Price sensitivity and the welfare impacts of managed charging."
Registered Report
- Cohen R. Simpson, Daniel Lopez Garcia, and Andrew R. Schein. (2024). "Atmospheric temperature and consumer rejection of remote thermostat control."
- Maria Jacob, Ryan Jenkinson, Daniel Lopez Garcia, Robert D. Metcalfe, Andrew R. Schein, Cohen R. Simpson, and Lucy Yu. (2024). "The impact of demand response on energy consumption and economic welfare."
- Cohen R. Simpson and Eleanor A. Power. (2023). "Dynamics of cooperative networks associated with gender among South Indian Tamils." Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, V. 378, p. 20210437.
Published Report
- Cohen R. Simpson and David S. Kirk. (2023). "Is police misconduct contagious? Non-trivial null findings from Dallas, Texas." Journal of Quantitative Criminology, V. 39, p. 425–463.
Open Science Framework
Published Report
- Cohen R. Simpson. (2022). "Social support and network formation in a small-scale horticulturalist population." Scientific Data, V. 9, p. 570.
Published Report
- Cohen R. Simpson. (2022). "On the structural equivalence of coresidents and the measurement of village social structure." Social Networks, V. 69, p. 55-73.
Published Report
- Cohen R. Simpson. (2020). "Farm size shapes friend choice amongst rice producers in China: Some evidence for the theory of network ecology." Social Networks, V. 61, p. 107-127.
Published Report
- Cohen R. Simpson. (2016). "Competition for foundation patronage and the differential effects of prestige on the grant market success of social movement organisations." Social Networks, V. 46, p. 29-43.
Published Report
- Cohen R. Simpson. (2015). "Multiplexity and strategic alliances: The relational embeddedness of coalitions in
social movement organisational fields." Social Networks, V. 42, p. 42-59.
Published Report
Competitive Research Funding
- Luke Glowacki, Cohen R. Simpson, and Zachary H. Garfield. (2022). "Network Formation and Function Within and Between Cultural Groups". $447,116, U.S. National Science Foundation. Grant Num. 2214088
Project's Funder Page
- Cohen R. Simpson. (2017). "The Cultural Origins of Village Social Structure". £337,789, The British Academy. Grant Num. pf170158